Brewer’s Grain

What is Brewer’s Grain?

Brewer's grain is a byproduct of the brewing process that consists of the leftover malt, hops, and other grains after the liquid has been extracted to make beer. This grain is typically high in protein and fiber and can be used as animal feed, especially for livestock such as cows, pigs, and chickens. Spent brewer's grain can also be used as a soil amendment or fertilizer due to its nutrient-rich composition. An excellent source of high-quality by-pass protein and digestible fiber, dried brewer’s grains have a good amino acid, mineral and B-vitamin content. Additionally, it can be used in the production of biofuels or even in the creation of food products such as bread, pasta, and protein bars.

Why is Spent Brewer’s Grain a Challenge?

Spent brewer's grain, a byproduct of the brewing industry, poses several significant challenges. First and foremost, it has a notably high moisture content. This high moisture content makes it susceptible to rapid spoilage and mold growth, rendering it unsuitable for use in various applications. Furthermore, the weight of wet spent brewer's grain makes its transportation expensive, adding to operational costs.

Another critical concern is the environmental impact. Disposing of spent brewer's grain in landfills is not an environmentally friendly option. When organic materials like brewer's grain decompose in landfills, they release methane gas—a potent greenhouse gas that significantly contributes to climate change. Therefore, it's imperative to find sustainable alternatives for managing this waste product.

The ADAR Solution

ADAR Technologies has recognized the challenges posed by spent brewer's grain and has developed a sustainable solution to address these issues effectively.

Through extensive testing and research, we have harnessed our cutting-edge technology to process brewer's grain. Our 3-in-1 solution incorporates drying, pulverizing, and sanitizing the spent grain without the use of heat, harmful chemicals, or fossil fuels. This innovative approach achieves several remarkable outcomes:

1. Nutrient-Rich Output: Our technology transforms spent brewer's grain into a nutrient-rich output. This output is not only safe for various commercial applications but also enhances its value in the market.

2. Moisture Reduction: ADAR's solution significantly reduces the moisture content of the brewer's grain, making it lighter and more cost-effective to transport. This reduction in weight translates into considerable savings in transportation costs.

3. Elimination of Mold and Mildew: We have demonstrated that our technology effectively eliminates mold and mildew contamination from brewer's grain. This ensures the safety and quality of the final product.

4. Environmental Responsibility: By eliminating the need for heat and fossil fuels, ADAR's solution contributes to lowering the carbon footprint associated with traditional processing methods. Moreover, by repurposing brewer's grain, we help reduce the release of methane gas in landfills, aligning with sustainability goals.

5. Economic Opportunities: Perhaps most importantly for breweries, ADAR's technology can turn what was once a major expense—disposing of spent brewer's grain—into a new revenue stream. The nutrient-rich output has applications in various industries, from agriculture to food production.

ADAR Technologies' innovative solution for spent brewer's grain not only addresses the challenges associated with its high moisture content and transportation costs but also offers significant environmental benefits and economic opportunities for breweries. It's a win-win solution that transforms a waste product into a valuable resource while contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.

For detailed test results, please refer to our Use Case Spec Sheet.


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